Pre-Health: Courses


At Aquinas College, students preparing for careers in human or animal health are advised by a committee of advisers who assist students in curriculum planning and preparing personal statements and interview preparation for graduate school applications. 



Health Science Major Four Year-Plan for Pre-Physician's Assistant students

While Pre-Physician Assistant students may pursue any major, at Aquinas College they typically major in Health Science.  Acceptance rate for Aquinas biology majors applying to P.A. programs exceeds 90%. Below is a four-year plan that will satisfy the prerequisites for most P.A. programs, while also completing the requirements for a biology major. All students intending to apply to P.A. programs should contact these programs directly to determine exact requirements for admission at time of application.

Freshman Year

Fall Semester: 15 credits
GE100 First Year Experience (1)
BY155 Human Anatomy & Physiology I (NL) (4)
CY111 General Chemistry I (NL) (4)
MS114 College Algebra & Trigonometry (MS) (4)
CS152 Spreadsheets (1)
CD100 Career and Self Awareness (CD) (1)
Spring Semester: 15 credits
GE101 Inquiry & Expression (3)
BY156 Human Anatomy & Physiology II (4)
CY112 General Chemistry II (4)
MS252 Statistics I (3)

Sophomore Year

Fall Semester: 16 credits 
GE203 Research as Inquiry (1)
BY170 Introduction to Organisms (4)
CY211 Organic Chemistry I (4)
WL101 Foreign Language I (4)
PG100 Introduction to Psychology (SS1) (3)
Spring Semester: 15 credits
BY171 Introduction to Cells (4)
CY212 Organic Chemistry II (4)
WL102 Foreign Language II (4)
PG380 Lifespan Dev. for Health Sci. (3)

Junior Year

Fall Semester: 15 credits
BY___ Field Biology Course (3)
CY325 Biochemistry (4)
PC201 General Physics I (4)
SY103 Cultural Anthropology (SS2/GP) (3)
Spring Semester: 15 credits
BY328 Genetics (WI) (5)
General Elective (3)
PC202 General Physics II (4)
Artistic Practice Requirement (AP) (3)

Senior Year

Fall Semester: 15 credits
Artistic Theory Requirement (AT) (3)
History or Philosophy Requirement (HP) (3)
TY___ Theology Requirement (3)
General Elective (3)
General Elective (3)
Spring Semester: 15 credits
BY___ Natural Science Elective (3-4)
BY499 Senior Seminar (SC) (3)
PH244 Medical Ethics (3)
KN135 Medical Terminology (2)
General Elective (3)

The plan above assumes no prior college credits from dual enrollment or credit by exam.

Biology Major Four Year Plan for Pre-Med students

Pre-Medical students may pursue any undergraduate major, as long as they satisfy the prerequisites for the particular programs to which they apply.  However, because many of the required courses are in the sciences, many of these students major in Biology.  Acceptance rates for Aquinas College biology majors applying to medical schools is approximately 60%. 

Below is a four-year plan that will satisfy the prerequisites for most medical schools, while also completing the requirements for a biology major. All students intending to apply to medical school should contact these schools directly to determine exact requirements for admission at time of application.

Freshman Year

Fall Semester: 15 Credits
GE100 First Year Experience (1)
BY170 Introduction to Organisms (NL) (4)
CY111 General Chemistry I (NL) (4)
MS114 College Algebra & Trigonometry (MS) (4)
CS152 Spreadsheets (1)
CD100 Career and Self Awareness (CD) (1)
Spring Semester: 15 credits
GE101 Inquiry & Expression (3)
BY171 Introduction to Organisms (4)
CY112 General Chemistry II (4)
MS121 Calculus I (4)

Sophomore Year

Fall Semester: 16 credits
GE203 Research as Inquiry (1)
BY326 Cell Biology (4)
CY211 Organic Chemistry I (4)
WL101 Foreign Language 1 (4)
PG100 Introduction to Psychology (PSC) (3)
Spring Semester: 15 credits
BY350 Evolution (4)
CY212 Organic Chemistry II (4)
WL102 Foreign Language II (4)
PG380 Lifespan Dev. for Health Sci. (3)

 Junior Year

Fall Semester: 15 credits
BY372 Physiology (4)
CY325 Biochemistry (4)
PC201 General Physics I (4)
SY103 Cultural Anthropology (PCG/GP) (3)
Spring Semester: 15 credits
BY328 Genetics (WI) (5)
PC202 General Physics II (4)
General Elective (3)
Artistic Practice Requirement (AP) (3)

Senior Year

Fall Semester: 15 credits
BY       Field Biology Course (3)
Artistic Theory Requirement (AT) (3)
History or Philosophy Requirement (HP) (3)
General Elective (3)
General Elective (3)
Spring Semester: 15 credits
BY        Field Biology Course (3)
BY499 Seminar (3)
MS252 Statistics (3)
PH244 Medical Ethics (3)
TY       Theology Requirement (3)

The plan above assumes no prior college credits from dual enrollment or credit by exam. 

Biology Major Four-Year Plan for Pre-Dental students

Pre-Dental students may pursue any undergraduate major, as long as they satisfy the prerequisites for the particular programs to which they apply.  However, because many of the required courses are in the sciences, many of these students major in Biology.  Acceptance rates for Aquinas College biology majors applying to dental schools is approximately 90%, . 

Below is a four-year plan that will satisfy the prerequisites for most dental schools, while also completing the requirements for a biology major. All students intending to apply to dental school should contact these schools directly to determine exact requirements for admission at time of application.

Freshman Year

Fall Semester: 15 Credits
GE100 First Year Experience (1)
BY170 Introduction to Organisms (NL) (4)
CY111 General Chemistry I (NL) (4)
MS114 College Algebra & Trigonometry (MS) (4)
CS152 Spreadsheets (1)
CD100 Career and Self Awareness (CD) (1)
Spring Semester: 15 credits
GE101 Inquiry & Expression (3)
BY171 Introduction to Organisms (4)
CY112 General Chemistry II (4)
MS121 Calculus I (4)

Sophomore Year

Fall Semester: 16 credits
GE203 Research as Inquiry (1)
BY326 Cell Biology (4)
CY211 Organic Chemistry I (4)
WL101 Foreign Language 1 (4)
PG100 Introduction to Psychology (PSC) (3)
Spring Semester: 15 credits
BY350 Evolution (4)
CY212 Organic Chemistry II (4)
WL102 Foreign Language II (4)

 Junior Year

Fall Semester: 15 credits
BY372 Physiology (4)
CY325 Biochemistry (4)
PC201 General Physics I (4)
SY103 Cultural Anthropology (PCG/GP) (3)
Spring Semester: 14 credits
BY231 Microbiology (4)
PC202 General Physics II (4)
General Elective (3)
Artistic Practice Requirement (AP) (3)

Senior Year

Fall Semester: 15 credits
BY       Field Biology Course (3)
BY499 Senior Seminar (SC) (3)
Artistic Theory Requirement (AT) (3)
History or Philosophy Requirement (HP) (3)
TY       Theology Requirement (3)
Spring Semester: 15 credits
BY328 Genetic (WI) (5)
BY       Field Biology Course (3)
MS252 Statistics (3)
PH244 Medical Ethics (3)

The plan above assumes no prior college credits from dual enrollment or credit by exam. 

Biology Major Four-Year Plan for Pre-Veterinary students

Pre-Veterinary students may pursue any undergraduate major, as long as they satisfy the prerequisites for the particular programs to which they apply.  However, because many of the required courses are in the sciences, many of these students major in Biology. Below is a four-year plan that will satisfy the prerequisites for most veterinary schools, while also completing the requirements for a biology major.  All students intending to apply to veterinary school should contact them directly to determine exact requirements for admission at time of application.

Freshman Year

Fall Semester: 15 credits
GE100 First Year Experience (1)
BY170 Introduction to Organisms (NL) (4)
CY111 General Chemistry I (4) 
MS114 College Algebra & Trigonometry (4)
CS152 Spreadsheets (1)
CD100 Career and Self Awareness (CD) (1)
Spring Semester: 15 credits
GE101 Inquiry & Expression (3)
BY171 Introduction to Organisms (4)
CY112 General Chemistry II (4)
MS121 Calculus I (4)

Sophomore Year

Fall Semester: 16 credits
GE203 Research as Inquiry (1)
BY221 Comparative Anatomy (4)
CY211 Organic Chemistry I (4)
WL101 Foreign Language I (4)
PG100 Introduction to Psychology (SS1) (3)
Spring Semester: 15 credits
BY231 Microbiology (4)
CY212 Organic Chemistry II (4)
WL102 Foreign Language (4)
General Elective (3)

Junior Year

Fall Semester: 15 credits
BY372 Physiology (4)
CY325 Biochemistry (4)
PC201 General Physics I (4)
SY103 Cultural Anthropology (PGC/GP) (3)
Spring Semester: 15 credits
BY328 Genetics (WI) (5)
BY       Field Biology Course (3)
PC202 General Physics II (4)
Artistic Practice Requirement (AP) (3)

Senior Year

Fall Semester: 15 credits 
BY299 Animal Nutrition (Online Transfer) (3)
BY       Field Biology Course (3)
Artistic Theory Requirement (AT) (3)
History or Philosophy Requirement (HP) (3)
MS252 Statistics (3)
Spring Semester: 16 credits
BY350 Evolution (4)
BY499 Senior Seminar (SC) (3)
PH244 Medical Ethics (3)
TY       Theology Requirement (3)
General Elective (3)

The plan above assumes no prior college credits from dual enrollment or credit by exam.

Pre-Physical Therapy 

Freshman Year

Fall Semester: 16 credits 
GE100 First Year Experience (1)
BY155 Human Anatomy & Physiology I (4)
CY111 General Chemistry I (NL) (4)
MS114 College Algebra & Trigonometry (MS) (4)
CS152 Spreadsheets (1)
CD100 Career and Self Awareness (CD) (1)
Spring Semester: 16 credits
GE101 Inquiry & Expression (3)
BY156 Human Anatomy & Physiology II (4)
CY112 General Chemistry II (4)
MS252 Statistics I (3)

Sophomore Year

Fall Semester: 16 credits
GE203 Research as Inquiry (1)
BY170 Introduction to Organisms (4)
CY211 Organic Chemistry I (4)
WL101 Foreign Language I (4)
PG100 Introduction to Psychology (SS1) (3)
Spring Semester: 16 credits
BY171 Introduction to Cells (4)
CY212 Organic Chemistry II (4)
WL102 Foreign Language II (4)
PG380 Lifespan Dev. for Health Sci. (3)

Junior Year

Fall Semester: 15 credits
BY___ Field Biology Course (3)
CY325 Biochemistry (4)
PC201 General Physics I (4)
SY103 Cultural Anthropology (SS2/GP) (3)
Spring Semester: 16 credits
BY328 Genetics (WI) (5)
General Elective (3)
PC202 General Physics II (4)
Artistic Practice Requirement (AP) (3)

Senior Year

Fall Semester: 17 credits
Artistic Theory Requirement (AT) (3)
History or Philosophy Requirement (HP) (3)
TY___ Theology Requirement (3)
General Elective (3)
General Elective (3)
Spring Semester: 17 credits
BY___ Natural Science Elective (3-4)
BY499 Senior Seminar (SC) (3)
PH244 Medical Ethics (3)
KN135 Medical Terminology (2)
General Elective (3)

The plan above assumes no prior college credits from dual enrollment or credit by exam.

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